Page 174 - Who Makes Machinery in Taiwan (TAMI) 2023-2024
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                         TAMI’S ORGANIZATION

                   Projcet Team                       Membrers’
                                                Representative Assembly                                                                        S Sttaaiissttiiccss  ooff  LLooccaattiioonn  aanndd  CCllaassssiiffiiccaattiioonn  ooff  TTAAMMII''SS  MMeemmbbeerrss  D Daattee::22002222//1122//66

                                                                                                                                                                          C Cllaassss  ooff  MMeemmbbeerrss         C Cllaassss  ooff  SSppoonnssoorr  MMeemmbbeerrss
                                                                                                                              Area              C Coommppaanniieess  R Reepprreesseennttaattiivveess  S Sppoonnssoorr     SSppoonnssoorr
                                                                                                                                                                                                 C Coommppaanniieess  R Reepprreesseennttaattiivveess
                                                                                                                                                                   1 1  2 2  3 3  4 4  5 5  T Toottaall            1 1  2 2  3 3  4 4  T Toottaall
                                                                                                                              Hualien                 1 1       2 2  0 0  0 0  0 0  1 1  0 0  1 1     3 3       4 4  2 2  0 0  1 1  0 0  3 3
               Cooperation of lndustry,            Regional Members’                                                          Keelung                2 233     4 499  0 0  4 4  4 4  1 122  3 3  2 233  1 1     1 1  0 0  0 0  0 0  1 1  1 1
                                                                                                                                                                                             2 299
                                                                                                                                                               6 688
                                                                                                                                                                                   1 155
                                                                                                                                                     2 299
               Academic and Research                  Conference                                                              Taipei                4 44466   8 85522  3 3 6 6  1 199 0 0  7 799 7 7  2 24477  9 955 4 4  4 44466  8 855  1 15533  2 200  1 188  3 300  1 177  8 855
                                                                                                                              New Taipei City
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              2 277
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2 233
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        7 788
                                                                                                                                                                                                      7 788
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         1 166
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1 122
                                                                                                                                                                                                              1 12277
               for Promoting Inerlligent                                    Board of Executive Directors                      Total in Taipei       4 49999   9 97711  9 9  2 233  9 900  2 27755  1 10022  4 49999  1 16677  2 28855  3 344  3 344  5 588  4 411  1 16677
                Machinery Committee                                                                                           Total in Hsinchu      3 32255   7 70077  1 122  3 311  7 788  1 14455  5 599  3 32255  3 333  4 422  1 1  4 4  1 111  1 177  3 333
                                                                                                                              Taichung City         2 22244   4 48866  6 6  1 155  4 466  1 12233  3 344  2 22244  9 922  1 14400  8 8  1 188  3 355  3 311  9 922
                                                                                                                                                    6 62255  1 1,,227766  8 8  2 288  1 12288  3 34444  1 11177  6 62255  9 977  1 13355  8 8  1 166  2 222  5 511  9 977
                                                                                                                              Total in Taichung     8 84499  1 1,,776622  1 144  4 433  1 17744  4 46677  1 15511  8 84499  1 18899  2 27755  1 166  3 344  5 577  8 822  1 18899
                                                                                                                              Total in Changhua     1 19988   3 38899  3 3  7 7  3 366  9 933  5 599  1 19988  2 299  3 388  0 0  3 3  6 6  2 200  2 299
                                                                                                                               Total in Changhua    1 10022   1 18822  2 2  4 4  1 155  3 399  4 422  1 10022  1 122  1 155  0 0  2 2  1 1  9 9  1 122
                International Marketing            Board of Directors                                                         Total in Tainan       2 20022   4 42255  2 2  6 6  4 455  1 12200  2 299  2 20022  3 322  5 566  1 1  7 7  7 7  1 177  3 322
                      Team                           & Supervisors              Board of Executive                            Total in Kaohsiung    1 11133   2 25577  4 4  1 144  2 277  5 566  1 122  1 11133  3 322  5 500  3 3  4 4  1 100  1 155  3 322
                                                                                   Suparvisors                                Total                2 2228888  4 4669933  4 466  1 12288  4 46655  1 1119955  4 45544  2 2228888  4 49944  7 76611  5 555  8 888  1 15500  2 20011  4 49944
                 Finance & Taxation                   Chairman                                                                Total:1、All Members :2,782,(Companies:2,288,Sponsor Companies:494)。
                      Team                                                                                                                2、Sponsor Representatives:5,454人,(Representatives:4,693,Sponsor Companies:761)。
                                                                        1. Machine Tools Committee
                                                                        2. Textile Machinery Committee
                   Pubic Relation                                       3. Plastics and Rubber Machinery Committee
                      Team                                              4. Fluid Machinery Committee
                                                                        5. Gear Manufacturing Committee
                                                                        6. Grinding Cutting and Tools Committee
                                                                        7. Shoe Making Machinery Committee
                                                    Vice President      8. Metal Forming Machinery Committee
                                                                        9. Food Processing Machinery Committee
                                                                        10. National Defense and Aerospace Committee
                          General Aff airs Division                      11. Machine Parts and Elements Committee
                                                                        12. Pneumatic and Hydraulic Machinery Com
                            Business Division                           13. Packaging and Printing Machinery Committee

                                                                        14. Mechanical Engineering Committee
                            Exhibition Division                         15. Material Handling Machinery Committee
                                                                        16. Fluid Monitoring and Measurement Special
                                                                               ization Committee
                         Policy Development and                         17. Wooden Furniture & Composite Materials
                            Promotion Division
                                                                               Processing Machinery Committee
                                                                        18. Controllers and Sensors Committee
                             Finance Division                           19. Mold & Die Committee
                                                                        20. Castings and Processing Committee
                                                                        21. Industrial Robot Committee
                          Development Division                          22. Electronic Equipment Committee
                                                                        23. Inspecting, Measuring Instrument Commit
                           Local Liaison Offi  ces
                                                                        24. Taiwan-Japan Machinery Technology Coop
                                                                              eration Committee
                         Taiwan Machinery Service                       25. Mainland Economic Aff airs Committee
                            Center (In Japan)                           26. Trade Coordination Committee
                                                                        27. National Manufacturing & Government Pro
                                                                              curement Committee
                         Shanghai Liason Offi  ces

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