Page 172 - Who Makes Machinery in Taiwan (TAMI) 2023-2024
P. 172

                                                               What is TAMI?



                       AMI (Taiwan Association of Machinery In-    “TAMINet” was established as a multilingual
                    Tdustry)was founded in October 1945, and       website geared towards machinery promotion.
                    originally named “Taiwan Association of Iron In-
                    dustry.” It wasthen renamed “Taiwan Provincial   The website is available in Mandarin Chinese,
                    Association of Iron Industry.” In May 1947, the   English and Japanese. This easy to use website
                    organization was reshuffl  ed and became “Taiwan   is essential in helping company members offer
                    Provincial Confederation of Machinery Industry.”
                    Finally, on April 28th 1948, the name TAMI was   customers quotes and technical information with
                    offi  cially established.                        just a few clicks of the mouse.“TAMINet” is a
                                                                   business platform that provides machine builders
                    In 1999, TAMI was certifi ed as an ISO9000 orga-  and the satellite companies the ability to connect
                    nization by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology   with each other for sales cooperation and techni-
                    & Inspection of the Ministry of Economic Aff airs.   cal discussion. It is also a professional machin-
                    Later in 2009, TAMI was certifi ed as “International   ery forum for both buyers and sellers who wish
                    ISO9000: 2008/CNS 12681 Quality Manage-        to acquire up-to-date market information, CE
                    ment System”, with the policy of “Upgrading our   conformity guidance, and so on.
                    service ,and pursuing collective benefi ts for our
                    members.”                                      “TAMINet” helps greatly increase the competi-
                                                                   tiveness of all its over 2,900 company members
                    In recent years, TAMI has intensively conducted   in the international market place.
                    numerous machinery export promotion delega-
                    tions ,as well as trade fairs in domestic and inter-
                    national market places.

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