Page 173 - Who Makes Machinery in Taiwan (TAMI) 2023-2024
P. 173

                                                         What is TAMI?

                  TAMI’S FUNCTIONS

              1.Protection of members' legal rights.         9.Compilation of information on marketing,
                                                                and assistance in marketing for members.
              2.Sponsorship of members' general interest
                 activities.                                 10.Support in exhibiting members' products,
                                                                  and encouragement of intercommunication
              3.Assistance in licensing and certifi cation of       and information sharing among members.
                 members, and certifi cation of members' bids in
                 public tender.                              11.Research of labor productivity, sponsoring
                                                                  and promoting technical training and
              4.Involvement in the formulation of economic        seminars.
                 policy and business laws and regulations by
                 the government.                             12.Investigation of members' business practices
                                                                  and services.
              5.Performance of general services for members,
                 business groups and public offi  cials on     13.Maintenance and registration of data on
                 request.                                         members and their representatives.

              6.Investigation, research and compilation of   14.Arbitration in member or labor-management
                 information on domestic and foreign machinery       disputes.
                                                             15.Participation in social activities.
              7.Investigation on materials and energy
                 resources for machinery manufacturers,      16.Fulfi lling other duties required by law or
                 and coordination of the related resources for       government authorities.

              8.Promotion of technical cooperation in the

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