Page 37 - Taiwan Hand Tools 2023-01 Edition
P. 37


                                                                                        INDUSTRY TRENDS

           Maturing trends challenged by ing trends challenged by

           global stressors
           global stressors

           Stephanie Chao

              he hand tools and hardware industries, like many other   important than ever. For Eclatorq, as markets reopen,
           Tareas, are pressured to remain competitive as large-  having acquired new clients in the U.S. and Europe, and
           scale trends like digitalization and increasing awareness   targeting high-end, higher-valued products, has allowed the
           of carbon impact among customers have grown over the   company to maintain competitiveness in the near future.
           years. Other trends that signal, along with many others,
           are here to stay, and will shape the market in the future as   On the other hand, in terms of product designs, due
           these trends have matured over the years.           to an aging workforce and the need to attract the younger
                                                               generation of workers into the industry, companies are
           Added-Valued Markets and Features on the Rise       more aware of designing products for longer use and
                                                               improving ergonomic features to reduce strain on the user.
              In the search for better profi ts and pastures, companies
           sought out demand in lucrative markets like automotive,   Digital Transformation and Carbon Impact
           aerospace, and medical-related industries that provide
           higher added value to the products, as these fi elds require   Taiwan’s hand tools have built up decades of
           greater accuracy and precision.                     experience and a global reputation as suppliers offering
                                                               customizable options at quality, and aff ordable prices. As a
              For companies like Eclatorq, Taiwan’s top digital tool   traditional industry, challenges like digitalizing business and
           maker, choosing to invest in developing digital tools has   production operations have become primary concerns for
           positioned the company better, as it has directed resources   hardware and hand tool suppliers.
           into the aforementioned industries. In Q3 of 2022, the
           company reported record profits for a single quarter.   We spoke to a leading socket wrench maker in Taiwan,
           While the traditional busy season in Q4 was reported to   Hans Tools, to share more of their insights and experiences
           be less certain and growing slower, Eclatorq told local   on their own implementation of digital transformation
           media that visibility remains to be around 2.5 to 3 months,   solutions and to attempt to mitigate their carbon footprint on
           signaling that customer order insights had not shown any   the environment.
                                                                  CEO Chang Cheng-tsung said with the efforts of the
              However, with the economic situation looking less   previous generation of hand tool suppliers owner in building
           positive for 2023, positioning in a market will become more   up the industry reputation in overseas markets, the primary

           Taiwan Hand Tools 2023 Issue
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