Page 35 - Taiwan Hand Tools 2023-01 Edition
P. 35


                                                                                        INDUSTRY NEWS

           Post-COVID puts digitalization ost-COVID puts digitalization

           into spotlight in hand tool and
           into spotlight in hand tool and

           hardware sectorsware sectors

           Stephanie Chao
               oronavirus lockdowns and travel restrictions around   years, Taiwan Hand Tool Manufacturers’ Association
           Cthe world have generally lifted this year, prompting   (THTMA) Honorary Chairman David Huang pointed out
           a flurry of activity as suppliers and buyers alike seek to   that average unit prices have been steadily increasing year
           take advantage of the resurgence of demand, as well as   by year now. While total exports are not yet comparable
           changed market landscape in the post-pandemic world.   with China’s performance, Huang pointed to the industry’s
           Taiwan’s hand tools industry sits on the cusp of change,   strong foundations, allowing companies to develop towards
           as many seek to find opportunities to reinvent business   high-end markets.
           operations and gain a stake in the changing industry.
                                                                  However, the next step for the traditional sector will
              As the third largest hand tools exporter in the world,   be significant in its challenges, since suppliers aiming to
           Taiwan’s total hand tool exports value refl ected the surge in   enhance their bargaining power in the competitive market
           demand in 2021, with the overall fi gures steadily reaching   must similarly embrace new technologies that are outside
           USD$4.79 billion, a signifi cant increase of 27.4% compared   their expertise: digitalization. Citing the online magazine for
           to 2020 and breaking the historical value on the record   the global home improvement industry, DIY International,
           as the economy had rebounded and metals had seen a   in an article covering the Taiwan International Tools &
           signifi cant price hike. Growth statistics in 2022 are likely to   Hardware Expo (TiTe), Merkle Taiwan Chairman Boice
           continue the trend, where in the fi rst half of 2022, Taiwan’s   Lin was quoted saying that the most common problem
           hand tools total export value could surpass USD$5 billion.  encountered by traditional Taiwanese business was that
                                                               in the past, they were unable to integrate each stage
              Noting how the domestic hand tools industry has been   of work necessary for them to fully utilize the benefits
           moving away from the traditional OEM model in recent   of digital transformation. On the other hand, Lin added

           Taiwan Hand Tools 2023 Issue
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