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Tung Tien Enterprise Co.

Casters, Wheels, Ball Casters, Medical Casters, Industrial Casters

2012/02/13 | By Judy Li | TUNG TIEN ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

After a history of development that has lasted for more than three decades, the Tung Tien Enterprise Co. is now one of Taiwan's leading makers of casters and wheels for furniture products, luggage, medical equipment, and shopping carts, among other things.

The company is located in Changhua, central Taiwan, which is the center of the island's metal and glass furniture industry. "Our company was established in 1975 and, in its early years, made casters mainly for local furniture manufacturers," reports Tung Tien's general manager, Liang Ming-tung. "Later on we expanded into overseas markets and broadened our client base to include makers of hardware items, medical equipment, and other industrial devices."

The firm's modern factory is manned by a well-trained workforce that handles all aspects of development and production. "Most of our counterparts have moved their production lines to China or Southeast Asia over the past two decades to keep manufacturing costs down," Liang comments. "But we insist on keeping our operations here, because we believe that Taiwan is the ideal place for us to produce high-quality products. Here, we can easily find skilled workers and high-end materials."

"The main materials used in our products are steel, nylon, rubber, and plastic (PU, PP, PVC, and TPR). The China Steel Corp, Taiwan's leading steel mill, turns out excellent steel products and is our key supplier of steel. Also, some world-class petrochemical companies here provide us various high-end plastics."

The backing provided by this ready materials supply is vital, Liang stresses: "The stable supply of quality materials is one of the main factors that enable Tung Tien to remain competitive in the world market-not to mention our advanced manufacturing

technology and reasonable prices. In addition, our customer-oriented services and prompt delivery also bolster our strength in the world arena."

Tung Tien's casters can generally be divided into three categories: light-duty, medium-duty, and heavy-duty, depending on load. The light-duty casters can support a load of 50-100 lbs, medium-duty casters a load of 100-220 lbs, and heavy-duty casters a load of 220-660 lbs.

Current production is about 50,000 casters daily, 40% of which are sold on the local market and 60% exported, mostly to the United States, Europe, and the Middle East.

To remain competitive, Tung Tien has worked hard to beef up its manufacturing capability and streamline its facilities in order to upgrade the quality of its products and lower its manufacturing costs. Now, says Liang, "We offer an extensive range of casters and wheels for almost all applications, and our products are 100% made in Taiwan."

"Besides producing general-use casters in mass volumes, we also fabricate small-volume products to meet the special needs of our customers. In addition to guaranteed quality and the best service, one of the main advantages that make us popular with customers is our manufacturing flexibility."

Tung Tien's business has remained steady despite the general downturn. "The global upheavals that erupted in the second half of last year have struck many enterprises around the world and led to a global recession," Liang notes. "This has been a major source of frustration for many export-oriented manufacturers here. Tung Tien, however, still enjoyed an annual growth of 10% in revenues last year, and we anticipate a modest growth this year as well."

With the lingering gloom in the worldwide business climate, Tung Tien may hold off on future expansion plans but will not relax its emphasis on R&D and the steady introduction of new models. "Our company will never slacken its pace of improvement, and we will also keep abreast of world trends-and we will remain competitive," Liang concludes. (JL)


26 Fuhsing St., Fu-an Villang, Hsiushui Hsiang, Changhua 504, Taiwan

Tel: 886-4-769-5186 (5 Lines)

Fax: 886-4-769-5190


E-mail: tungtien@ms38.hinet.net