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LC Fuel Tank targets hot classic car market demand at AAPEX

2022/11/17 | By Tingyu Chao | LC FUEL TANK MANUFACTURE CO.

Automotive fuel tank maker LC Fuel Tank saw significant buyer crowds at AAPEX, which wrapped up on Nov. 3. General Manager Chan Yu-Peng said this year’s AAPEX would mark the first time for them to travel to Las Vegas after the COVID-19 pandemic broke out in early 2020. Compared to pre-COVID times, Chan observed that the quality of buyers coming to their booth were of higher quality and had very specific and immediate demands for them to fulfill.

For instance, buyers were very interested in their fuel tanks and related parts, especially parts for vintage, classic cars, which the North American market has seen a significantly higher demand for fuel tanks than in the European market.

LC Fuel Tank is uniquely positioned to fulfill this market niche, since its biggest market advantages are the ability to design and manufacture molds, as well as maintaining an inventory of over thousand dies. The strong product-mix flexibility and its tooling advantages allowed them to quickly become the one-stop supplier for fuel tank products among European and American market customers, eventually positioning LC Fuel Tank as the go-to shop for classic car enthusiasts.

The company expects to see significant increase of its manufacturing capabilities going into 2023 as its new factory can house more inventory and its impressive die/tooling collection. For instance, the new equipment introduces a 25% increase of efficiency for the powdered-coating process in the fuel tanks surface treatment stage.

Buyers and clients showed up at their booth on the first day to discuss next year’s purchasing orders, Chan said. Other buyers requiring their expertise even brought samples along, requesting LC Fuel Tank’s manufacturing abilities.

Economic Daily News (CENS) Vice President T.C. Chou, who visited the exhibitors that partook in AAPEX under the CENS-led exhibition group, observed that LC Fuel Tank has managed to secure a new, crucial role in the automotive parts industry, which was often regarded with a pessimistic outlook due to the fast-paced growth of demand for electric vehicles.

The company has adopted a craftsmanship attitude towards its products, Chou noted, which is on the same wavelength as high-end customers’ attitude towards procuring and maintaining vintage cars. Chou called such an attitude “admirable,” as LC Fuel Tank would be able to maintain a sustainable business operations and continue to deliver quality and efficient fuel tanks to its customers.

LC Fuel Tank General Manager Chan Yu-Peng at AAPEX 2022. (Photo courtesy of CENS)
LC Fuel Tank General Manager Chan Yu-Peng at AAPEX 2022. (Photo courtesy of CENS)