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Taiwan’s Auto Market Recovered in May

2020/06/02 | By

Taiwan’s auto market report was released in May, and the overall market buying momentum stabilized. The actual number was 33,528 units, which was higher than the original estimate of 33,000 units, and an increase of 8.8% from the previous month. The Toyota and Lexus brands of Tyco have registered 11,119 units (T: 9,042, L: 2,077), with a market share of 33.2%.

Leading car manufacturers Hotai Motor pointed out that under the control of the domestic epidemic, passenger traffic in the exhibition gradually picked up, but the domestic boom was still affected by the spread of the European and American epidemic. The pessimistic attitude caused the number of new car licenses in May to be lower than the same period last year.

Since June, all car manufacturers have entered the summer competition stage, and it is expected to expand the promotional offers to customers and counter the negative impact of the epidemic.

Hetai Motor said that the auto market is estimated to be 37,000 units this month (a 3% decrease from last year).

Taiwan’s Auto Market Recovered in May (Photo courtesy of UDN)
Taiwan’s Auto Market Recovered in May (Photo courtesy of UDN)