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Jin Tai Chang Offers Innovative Hand Tools That Save Users’ Time

2018/04/27 | By CENS | JIN TAI CHANG CO., LTD.

■ C.K. Lee

Headquartered in Wufeng, Taichung, Central Taiwan, Jin Tai Chang Co., Ltd, is a prestigious manufacturer of hand tools, riveters, pneumatic tools, and metal parts, with over 30 years of manufacturing experience.

The firm also utilizes top-end manufacturing equipment like multi-tasking lathes and CNC turret and Swiss lathes to assure the highest possible quality and precision. Noteworthily, the Jin Tai Chang has been actively developing customer-oriented riveters. Also notable is that the firm’s riveter is protected by multiple patents.

In addition to being more effective and user-friendly, Jin Tai Chang’s riveter allows users to finish the task from one side without damaging the work piece.

Committed to top quality, as well as professionalism and integrity that are backed by its outstanding R&D team and advanced manufacturing equipment, Ching Tai Chang is an absolute reliable supplier of its kind.

Readers and buyers interested in Jin Tai Chang may visit www.sb-tools.com.tw for more information.

The sample of Jin Tai Chang’s plastic riveter. (photo courtesy of Jin Tai Chang)
The sample of Jin Tai Chang’s plastic riveter. (photo courtesy of Jin Tai Chang)