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Simplo's Revenues Hit Record Seven-Consecutive-Month Highs

2012/12/10 | By Andrew Wang

Taipei, Dec.10, 212 (CENS)--Simplo Technology Co., Ltd., maker of battery packs and modules in Taiwan, saw revenues in November up 1.5% from October to NT$5.76 billion (US$192 million), a new historical high for the seventh consecutive month. However, based on Simplo's financial forecast with NT$16.6~16.8 billion (US$553.3~560 million) of revenues in the fourth quarter, the firm's revenues in December is predicted to decline to NT$5.2~5.4 billion (US$173.3~180 million).

Institutional investors pointed out that with delayed orders in December due to unstable component supplies for iPad Mini previously, both Simplo and Dynapack International Technology Corp. are expected to raise shipments of the said product in December. However, due to decreasing shipments of the 9.7-inch iPad, both firms' revenues in December are estimated to drop.

Due to relatively low price and gross profit margin of battery module for iPad Mini, both Simplo and Dynapack saw gross profit margin in the third quarter below 10%. Simplo's chairman Raymond Sung admitted that the firm's gross profit margin will decline continually in the fourth quarter and start to rebound in the first quarter of 2013. He predicted that gross profit margin in the fourth quarter of about 7.84~8%, with net profits down 14.1% from a quarter earlier to NT$802~826 million (US$26.73~27.53 million).

Market researcher IDC adjusted the tablet PC shipments this year to 122 million units, up 4.2% from the earlier prediction; and shipments in 2013 are estimated to reach 172.4 million units, up from the 165.9 million forecasted previously. As Simplo and Dynapack are major battery-module suppliers of tablet PCs for Apple and Asus, the growing shipments of tablet PCs will offset declines of traditional NBs.