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Trinity Precision Picked by Bosch as Best Supplier of Powder-metallurgy Products

2012/11/15 | By Andrew Wang

Taipei, Nov.15, 2012 (CENS)--Trinity Precision Technology Co., Ltd. (TPM), manufacturer of powder-metallurgy power-tool parts & components in Taiwan, was selected by Bosch Group as the best supplier of powder-metallurgy products in 2012, becoming the only Taiwanese maker so honored.

Supplying such products to eight countries including Germany and Switzerland,

TPM achieved revenues in the first 10 months of NT$315 million (US$10.5 million), down 5.42% YoY.

To maintain the lead in the industry, TPM consistently develops pioneering products and technology, launching the world's first spiral-face-gear made by powder metallurgy in August to save time and labor cost to surprise many brand vendors and attract lots of inquires.

S.W. Wang, vice president of the firm, pointed out that traditional spiral bevel-gear is widely applied in polishing machines, cutting machines, and automotive products, with market value reaching billions of US dollars. TPM's spiral face-gear not only functionally replaces spiral bevel-gear, but helps customers reduce cost. Many customers plan to cooperate with TPM to start mass production of the said product from 2013.

Apart from powder-metallurgy, TPM set up a gearbox division from 2011, successfully developing the highest standard gearbox with four-phase transmission, which is patented in various countries and used by a high-end German electronic-tool brand vendor, said Wang.

TPM has also been developed automotive parts in recent years, with customers from Germany, the U.S., Japan, and China.