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Largan, Kinko, Calin, and T-Unique See Revenues Rise in Sept.

2012/10/04 | By Andrew Wang

Taipei, Oct.4, 2012 (CENS)--Taiwan's optical item makers saw revenues rise in September, with Largan Precision Co. Ltd. taking orders for iPhone5; while Kinko Optical, Calin Technology, and T-Unique Optical benefited from Canon Inc.'s and Nikon Corp.'s new model releases.

Despite uncertain shipments of iPhone5, a market source is still optimistic that Largan, a major supplier of 8MP (mega-pixel) camera lens for iPhone5, will witness a new revenue high in September.

With orders of single-lens cameras from Canon and Nikon, Kinko is likely to see revenues challenge NT$700 million (US$23.33 million) in September, exceeding NT$2 billion (US$66.67 million) in the third quarter with a 15~20% quarter on quarter (QoQ) growth, a new high in history.

Due to decent product mix, and growing proportion of high-priced products to boost gross profit margin, Kinko is expected to see earnings per share (EPS) exceed NT$1 (US$0.033) in the third quarter, said an institutional investor.

Calin, a major supplier for Canon, is expected to go public in the end of November. An institutional investor is optimistic for the firm to challenge a new high of NT$180 million (US$6 million) in consolidated revenues in September, for a 30% QoQ increase in the third quarter.

Calin's plant expansion in Tanzi (Taichung City) and Chiayi will gradually go online after October, boosting monthly capacity of lens from 1.8~2 million units to 3 million in the first quarter of 2013. An institutional investor estimates, despite massive capital expenditure for plant expansion, the firm is likely to challenge EPS of NT$2.5 (US$0.083) in 2012.