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Lustrous Technology Receives Asia's First UL-Certified Zhaga Light Engine Certification

2012/07/26 | By Ken Liu

Taipei, July 26, 2012 (CENS)--Lustrous Technology Co., Ltd. recently received Underwriters Laboratories' certification on Zhaga-compliant light engine, becoming Asia's first LED maker to win the certification from UL.

Zhaga is a global industry consortium for setting interface standards for LED light engines so that the LED components have common interfaces to interchange regardless of different suppliers.

Lustrous Technology executives pointed out that wining the certification means the company leads its Asian competitors in releasing Zhaga-compliant light engine.

The company's chairman, J.C. Liu, pointed out that Zhaga standards are very important to LED light engines and the company's products conform to Zhaga Book3 standard, which regulates light engine's mechanism and light uniformity.

He added that the company much stresses Zhaga compliance of its products and hopes to offer lighting-fixture manufacturers optimal solutions and services with Zhaga-complaint engines.

UL Taiwan's executives pointed out that UL is Zhaga-assigned laboratory and helping Taiwan's LED lighting industry upgrade competitiveness to international levels through its test and certification services.