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AUO's 50” Transparent Display Panel Adopted in Vending Machines

2012/06/05 | By Steve Chuang

Taipei, June 5, 2012 (CENS)--AU Optronics Corp. (AUO), one of Taiwan's top-two makers of display panels by output, is supplying 50-inch transparent display panels to a local maker of vending machines and could have struck gold.

AUO executives say that the cutting-edge transparent display panel has received intense interest from customers since debuting in the China Optoelectronics Display Expo & China International TV Festival 2012, held May 10 to 12 in Shenzhen.

The executives say that, besides being ready for mass production, the display panel features high transparency and color spectrum, with the transparency adjustable for different applications and hence ideal for vending machines to clearly display products.

The firm confirmed having delivered the display panel to a local electronics maker to develop the world's first vending machine with a 50-inch transparent display panel, which will hit markets soon, with such opportunity to enable the Taiwanese display panel maker to penetrate the global vending machine market, where about 30 million machines are needed yearly.

AUO also stresses the multi-functionality of the transparent display panel, which is applicable in construction, car windows, consumer electronics, household appliances, show windows and so forth, being optimistic about its potential as trendsetting commercial display; while also planning to promote the product to Apple Inc. for use in iPhones and iPads to drive its recovery.