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TAITRA's Business Delegation Enhances Taiwan's Trade Ties With South American Countries

2012/03/16 | By Steve Chuang

Taipei, March 16, 2012 (CENS)--A South America-bound Taiwanese trade delegation, organized by Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) and composed of 54 enterprises from different sectors on the island, has successfully enhanced Taiwan's trade ties with countries there by winning a great number of contract orders.

The business visit by the delegation to South American countries has been increasingly regarded as a phenomenal success, as TAITRA confirmed that the delegation members have totally signed US$1.092 million of contract orders with buyers in Ecuador, and US$1.3036 million in Peru.

TAITRA indicated earlier that the delegation will continue its tour to San Diego, the capital of Chile, later, and finish 660 business meetings with local enterprises there. Accordingly, the scheduled meetings will attract 240 potential buyers interested in Taiwan's goods, expected to materialize the signing of contract orders worth US$2.26 million on the spot.

TAITRA staffers said optimistically that an estimate of US$24.16 million of more contract orders will be signed between Taiwanese and Chilean companies later after the delegation comes back.

In 2011, Taiwan exported US$340 million of various goods to Chile, representing a 23.1% increase over a year ago, with integrated circuits, petroleum products, semiconductors, briquettes, cyclic hydrocarbons and telephones making up the majority of the exports. The export value is very likely to keep mounting in the years to come, as Chile's economy has stably grown recently.

IMF (International Monetary Forum) predicts that the country is estimated to see its GNP exceed US$12,000 this year to squeeze into the list of high-income economies of the world. Meanwhile, the country has also ranked 31st in the global competitive rankings issued by WEF (World Economic Forum).

Worth mentioning is that the country has also stepped up replacement of lightings for high-efficiency LED bulbs, aiming to cut power consumption of lights by 12% in 2020. This makes Chile a promising market to grant Taiwanese LED suppliers huge business opportunities in the short term.