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Pole Products Enterprise Co.

GreenLift Taiwan No.1 Photocatalyst Mosquito Killer


Taiwan's climate is marine tropical. With its high population density and humid climate, mosquitoes & flies has become a serious environmental problem in Taiwan. We believe that spraying pesticides is only part of the solution. There should be a better way to kill mosquitoes & flies without harming the environment.

In order to fulfill our dreams, we have launched new generation GR-01(M) photocatalyst mosquito killer. GR-01 (M) is the best selling in Taiwan. We have old more than 12,000 units since 2008.

How photocatalyst Mosquito Killer Works?
"Any type of carbon dioxide is attractive, even over a long distance."

The GreenLife GR-01 (M) Mosquito Killer lures and traps mosquitoes and other biting insects by a combination of:

• Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

• Heat (simulate body temperature 36C-38C)

• UV Light (350nm-370nm)

• Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is produced from photocatalytic reaction. When UV lamp hits photocatalyst, the electron in TiO2 will react and eventually turns into CO2 and H2O. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is completely harmless, but irresistible to mosquitoes, they will follow the scent. Once the mosquitoes get nearer, the fan will pull the mosquitoes into he net where they will dehydrate and die.