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Chu Yi Enterprise Co., Ltd.

Hand winches, trailer jacks, hand pullers, paper log makers

2010/11/02 | By Steve Chuang | CHU YI ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

Hand winches, trailer jacks, hand pullers, paper log makers, pulley blocks

Founded in 1985, Chu Yi Enterprise Co., Ltd. is an experienced manufacturer with a comprehensive product portfolio covering hand pullers, manual winches, trailer jacks, log makers and hand tools.

Devoted to upgrading production technologies over the years, the company has built a solid name in the global markets. At present, the company's products have been exported to Europe, Australia and North, Central and South America as high-profile, practical tools, widely applied to professional use.

The firm's products have been well received worldwide as they are developed in line with real-world demand and produced under stringent quality controls. The company makes sure its products can compete better on practicality, functionality and quality worldwide.

Paying attention to R&D, competitive prices and prompt delivery, the company has also been reputed a trustworthy OEM and ODM of its kind.

Chu Yi Enterprise Co., Ltd.

No. 107, Lane 140, Siandong Rd., Sec. 3, Hemei Town, Changhua County, Taiwan

Tel: 886-4-735-2531

Fax: 886-4-735-7142

Email: service@chu-yi.com

Website: www.chu-yi.com