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ARTC Inaugurates CAE Center to Provide Upgraded Services

2009/10/16 | By Quincy Liang

Taipei, Oct. 16, 2009 (CENS)--The Automotive Research & Testing Center (ARTC), one of the most important transportation-vehicle related R&D citadels in Taiwan, recently announced to inaugurate a CAE (computer-aided engineering) center to provide more specialized services to vehicles in Taiwan or other nations.

Joe Huang, president of ARTC, pointed out that his center's original CAE team has accumulated abundant experiences and know-how in product development and technical cooperation through various projects with manufacturers of automobiles, powered two-wheelers (PTWs), all terrain vehicles (ATVs), trucks and buses, and auto parts. With credits accumulated in more than 100 projects to help private makers conduct simulated algorithms in various product development stages, such as front/side/rear collision, vehicle durability, vibration and noise, heat dissipation, pedestrian collision, passenger safety protection, bus rolling safety etc., he added, ARTC's CAE team has been one of the most capable task forces at the center.

The market has been changing so rapidly in recent years, Huang explained, creating increasing demands for CAE analysis services, especially from mainland China. In addition, he added, all major international automakers have turned to Asia Pacific to outsource more needed parts and asked all suppliers to hand out CAE analysis reports as early as in the product development stage. To meet such demand, the president said, ARTC decided to upgrade the CAE team into a center to deliver integrated services to customers.

In the past, Huang stressed, the CAE service mode focuses mainly on the rear-end simulation design certifications. From now on, the CAE center would actively help customers adopt the CAE analysis techniques in the early product development stage for effectively upgrading efficiencies.

In addition, the CAE center would also play a resource-integration role on the island to actively link both local and global research capacities and consulting resources to participate in large-scale green-energy and intelligent vehicle development projects. With these efforts, Huang added, the CAE center is expected to become a powerhouse to fuel vehicle development in Taiwan.