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Office Furniture Japan Covers Furniture, Furnishing and Design

2009/06/15 | By CENS

All signs show that the show management is covering all the bases during July 8 (Wed) - 10 (Fri) at the Tokyo Big Sight, Japan, where the first International Office Furniture Expo -OFFICE FURNITURE JAPAN- will be unveiled. Reed Exhibitions Japan, the show organizer, obviously wishes to offer everything big and small related to office operations during the three-day event, when the International Stationery & Office Products Fair Tokyo is also held. This expo features all kinds of office furniture and furnishings, which are increasingly recognized as products with developmental potential, hence justifying being independently exhibited as a product group not only in Japan but also worldwide.

In recent years, office furniture has garnered increasing attention from people of all walks of life as a key factor to achieve greater work efficiency, streamline office operations, increase creativity, and motivate employees via enhanced well-being etc. Seeing such rising awareness and resulting demand, the show management has decided to launch a new fair: OFFICE FURNITURE JAPAN.

Visitor Turned Exhibitor

One of the exhibitors, Mr. Ikeda from Remex says, "We are seeing OFFICE FURNITURE JAPAN not only as a place to introduce new products as the other typical exhibitions in Japan, but also to create new business. We visit various exhibitions three to six times a year, but this time we are exhibiting. We believe OFFICE FURNITURE JAPAN will help us to achieve big results as we aim to generate 150% increase in sales over the previous year."

Although the economy is facing a difficult time, Remex is going to exhibit mid-priced products (JPY 60,000 - 120,000) to expand its market into the small and medium sized enterprise segment, according to Ikeda. Remex plans to exhibit not only typical office furniture but also new products that enhance lifestyle.

Realizing that individual parts do not exceed the whole, or that designing office environment is a management strategy used to improve office efficiency and harmony, the show organizer of OFFICE FURNITURE JAPAN is setting aside a special zone dedicated to office design and consulting. For example, Mr. Hashimoto from SYOUEI CREATE, an office design company, says that they are exhibiting to show visitors there is more to office design than meets the eye, that it is a sophisticated science, whose effective application can influence corporate performance.

Any buyer and professional concerned with the office equipment, design sector will definitely be at the right venue as they visit OFFICE FURNITURE JAPAN, for two other related trade shows will be staged concurrently: 7th International Office Machines & Equipment Expo Tokyo (OFMEX) and 4th Office Security Expo Tokyo (OSEC).

While the show management is receiving enormous requests for free tickets for this year's show, people interested in visiting are advised to contact the show organizer for more information: Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd., Ms. Satoko HOMBU, 18F Shinjuku-Nomura Bldg., 1-26-2 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 163-0570, Japan,

Tel: +81.3.3349.8505, Fax: +81.3.3344.2411, E-mail: furniture@reedexpo.co.jp, and http://www.ofj-expo.jp/en/