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Yeou Sheng Furniture Co., Ltd.

Wooden chairs and tables, bentwood furniture parts

2009/06/08 | By Steve Chuang | YEOU SHENG FURNITURE CO., LTD.

Yeou Sheng Furniture Co., Ltd., located in Changhua County, central Taiwan, has been a seasoned maker of wooden furniture and parts for several decades.

Backed by time-tested production capability and know-how, the company supplies a variety of wooden furniture, including wooden tables, wooden desks and wooden chairs and bentwood furniture parts. Also, Japanese and multipurpose furniture are available in the company's comprehensive portfolio.

Driven by growing concerns about environmental protection, Yeou Sheng has also worked out a series of eco-friendly furniture, which are glued and coated with entirely nontoxic and benzene-free materials and feature seamless, jointless finishes. Being user-friendly and green, the company's "naturally-made" wooden furniture has been popular with users in the middle-to-high-end market. (SC)

Yeou Sheng Furniture Co., Ltd.

No. 256, Shaluen Rd., Hsinmin Li, Tiechung Town, Changhua County, Taiwan

Tel: 886-4-879-2503

Fax: 886-4-876-2521

Email: Linwork.linwork@msa.hinet.net