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Sourcing Taiwan 2009 to be Held at the Taipei World Trade Center in March

2009/02/13 | By Steve Chuang

Taipei, Feb. 13, 2009 (CENS)--To help stimulate Taiwan's export growth, the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) is going to hold the first Sourcing Taiwan 2009 at the end of March as a business platform for heavyweight buyers from Europe, the U.S. and BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India and China) and local suppliers.

Encouragingly, TAITRA confirms that over 600 buyers from 60 different countries of the world have promised to attend the event so far, and they are expected to create business opportunities of over NT$120 billion. Of them, 224 record sales revenue of US$100 million a year at least as large-sized companies. According to statistics compiled by the council, up to 260 buyers or 53% of the total are from countries in Asia and Asia Pacific and 120 or 24% from Europe.

TAITRA indicated that they buyers are going to procure mainly electronics, communications, machinery and related products, auto and motor parts and accessories, hardware, building materials, furniture and food. In addition, the council has also activated a sourcing website, providing buyers with online access to Taiwanese manufacturers of gifts, stationery and commodities in advance.

Furthermore, TAITRA will also arrange centralized procurement meetings between foreign buyers and around 2,000 Taiwanese suppliers on March 31, and set up different business zones based on industry categories for face-to-face meetings between individual buyers and suppliers at Souring Taiwan 2009.