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AIDC to Begin Upgrading Air Force's 71 IDF Jet Fighters

2009/01/19 | By Quincy Liang

Taipei, Jan. 19, 2009 (CENS)--Aerospace Industrial Development Corp. (AIDC), a state-run and the largest aircraft maker in Taiwan, is to kick off upgrading 71 IDF (Indigenous Defense Fighter) or homegrown jet fighters of the local air force.

The upgrading project, valued at over NT$10 billion (US$303 million at US$1: NT$33), will take place from 2009 to 2012, AIDC pointed out.

The aircraft maker said that the IDF-upgrading project include improving radar, landing gear, numeric-controlled computer, avionics system, instrument panels etc., with the original 16-bit numeric-controlled computer to be upgraded by a 32-bit one.

AIDC pointed out that it would begin the three-year upgrading project around mid-2009 after signing an agreement with the local Air Force. According to the company, the IDF's engines, jointly developed and manufactured by Honeywell of the USA and AIDC, will not be upgraded for the main aim of the upgrade is the avionics system and dog-fighting capability.

To back Taiwan government's international business aviation development policy, AIDC has also built a business-jet hangar with 3,250 square meters, big enough to house eight business jets at once.