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CMC's New Mitsubishi SUV to Be Built in Vietnam, Mainland China

2008/09/26 | By Quincy Liang

Taipei, Sept. 26, 2008 (CENS)--China Motor Corp. (CMC), the assembler of Mitsubishis and Chryslers in Taiwan, recently launched the locally made SUV, the Mitsubishi Super Zinger.

CMC expects the new SUV to grab a 50% share in its class. Auto dealers said that about 9,000 to 10,000 SUVs are sold in Taiwan per year.

The Super Zinger will also be built in Vietnam and China late this month and year-end, respectively, helping to create business for CMC's parts exports.

A senior executive of Mitsubishi Vietnam, who saw the new SUV demo, pointed out that he is very confident of future sales of the new SUV in his nation. Mitsubishi Vietnam plans to import at least 1,200 sets of the key parts from CMC this year for local production.

CMC's affiliate in China, the South East (Fujian) Motor Co., Ltd. (SEM), will also build the Super Zinger by the end of the year, with CMC to supply many exterior and interior parts.

CMC says that the biggest difference between the Super Zinger and its predecessor Zinger (shown two years ago) is the new 2,400cc MIVEC (Mitsubishi Innovative Valve timing Electronic Control system) engine with higher horsepower, torque and better fuel efficiency. The Super Zinger is priced between NT$528,000 and NT$738,000 (US$16,552 and US$23,135 at US$1: NT$31.9).