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CENS.COM Connects You to Greater China Suppliers

2008/08/25 | By Quincy Liang

Inaugurated in 1995 as Taiwan's first website on Taiwan economy and trade, CENS.COM has evolved over the years to become a versatile website which helps global buyers tap quality supply sources for a wide range of products not only in Taiwan but also in Greater China, as well as provide valuable trade information and trade-related services.

The website is run by China Economic News Service (CENS), Taiwan's leading export-oriented trade-magazine publisher and trade-fair services provider, which is affiliated with the United Daily News Group, the leading newspaper conglomerate in Taiwan. As such, the website has been able to tap the sizable resources of CENS and the UDN Group during its development.

Global buyers can easily find via the website quality products and suppliers in eight major categories of auto parts & accessories, machinery, hardware, furniture, lighting, electronics and computers, motorcycle parts and accessories, and general items, as well as conveniently find trade-related services at CENS.COM.

Moreover, CENS.COM offers wide-ranging and updated in-depth reports and information on various product lines, general market situation, and Taiwan's economy, helping buyers to firmly grasp the overall trade environment which is valuable in business decision-making.

Buyers can also access information related to major international trade fairs, keeping you current with the latest global trends in various product lines.

So visit CENS.COM for easier, more profitable online business.

The following briefly introduces the major sections of CENS.COM:


Inquiry and Product Sourcing: My CENS helps buyers to easily find suitable suppliers.

Search Bar

Product, Supplier, News, and Advanced Search: Helps buyers quickly find products and suppliers, featuring also unique New Search and Advanced Search to help buyers retrieve information rapidly.

Industry Categorization

Three-tier Categorization, Product List, Instant Inquiry, Shopping Cart: Suppliers' products are classified into three-tier categories to make finding products easy. Buyers can also conveniently inquire about products on the Product List, with Shopping Cart helping buyers pick up products conveniently.


Corporate Profile, Product Category, Product Showcase, Self-made Classification, Film Displaying, Information on Trade Shows, eBOOK, eDM, Supplier News, Language Option, In-site Search, Product-image Encryption, Website Linkage, Affiliated Websites, Inquiry, and Shopping Cart.


Introduction to CENS trade magazines, e-versions of trade magazines, line reports, product advertisement, and corporate reports: CENS publishes about 10 export-oriented trade magazines (including CD-ROM versions), covering the fields of auto parts & accessories, machinery, hardware, furniture, lighting, electronics and computers, motorcycle parts and accessories, general items, and regional specialties, featuring ample advertisements and authoritative line reports, whose contents are also accessible online to allow convenient browsing by buyers worldwide.


Trade-fair introductions, exhibition photo gallery, trade-fair news, and select exhibits:

Updates buyers with schedules and happenings of major trade fairs worldwide to help buyers easily survey current and future trade fairs quickly, enhancing business opportunities. Such information are collected by on-site CENS representatives, who attend major trade fairs to serve buyers and clients. Buyers can also browse select exhibits at CENS.COM

CENS stands favorably to collect information on major international trade fairs as it is a sales agent in Taiwan for many significant trade fairs, an obligation it fully lives up to by regularly organizing Taiwan-based manufacturers for participation.

Taiwan Economic News

Daily News on the Taiwan economy, industries, suppliers, special events, weather, and stock market/forex market indices: Offering buyers worldwide a series of convenient business information and data, with news on the Taiwan economy, industries, and markets being written by veteran CENS reporters, helping to optimize decision-making.


ICON/Banner-information on select suppliers

New Products-new product showcase

Select Suppliers-quality suppliers of new products

New Publications-updates on new CENS publications