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Taiwanese Hi-Tech Industries to Benefit From Microsoft's New Project

2008/02/26 | By Ken Liu

Taipei, Feb. 26, 2008 (CENS)--Microsoft's Windows Server 2008 project will become a windfall to Taiwanese hi-tech manufacturers as the software giant's executives tout every one dollar generated from sales of the next-generation server OS can create 18 dollars worth of revenue out of manufacturers related to the OS.

Taiwanese manufacturers associated with Windows Server 2008 include chipmaker Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) and United Microelectronics Corp. (UMC), as well as electronics manufacturing service providers Quanta Computer and Inventec Corp.

Microsoft makes the OS project a 10-year program, aiming at server market of next 10 years.

Microsoft Taiwan's executives pointed out that Windows programs had helped create nearly 300,000 jobs for the island's industries associated with Windows programs and Microsoft had brought Taiwanese manufacturers NT$14.6 in revenue for every NT$1 dollar it had made in revenue in Taiwan.

The executives noted last year is Vista era and this year is Server era. They added that Windows Server 2008 is a brand-new software for servers in five years. The new server program, they said, is Microsoft's first software embedded with the unique Hyper-V technology, which largely boosts efficiency for enterprise applications and Internet security.

Industry watchers pointed out that the new server program may inspire enterprises to invest in new server systems at a time when global economy is entering into lukewarm stage.

They forecast that Microsoft's OS for mobile phones will become the fastest growing handset OS over the next five years. Microsoft even forecast over 80% of smart phones running on Windows Mobile will come from Taiwan.