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Automechanika Thailand 2008 Expects Sizable Turnout

2008/01/31 | By CENS

Over 130 exhibitors from 11 countries and regions confirmed for second Automechanika Thailand

As of December 2007, over 130 exhibitors from 11 countries and regions have confirmed their participation in Automechanika Thailand 2008. A number of international brands will be showcasing parts & systems, accessories & tuning, repair & maintenance and service station & car wash equipment products at the fair, among which are Liqui-Moly, Bando, KYB, Forch and Knorr Bremse. The presence of these global brands shows that many major suppliers view Automechanika Thailand as an important business platform, mainly as it is being held in one of the fastest growing regions of the automotive sector.

Thai government backs SMEs with incentives for Automechanika Thailand 2008

To play a substantial role to help the rapidly expanding automotive market in Thailand and the region, the Thai government has pledged to back small and medium sized local enterprises with incentives who wish to participate in the 2008 event. A special business-matching plan dubbed Automotive Supplier Development Programme will greatly enhance the Thai presence in the global trade while introducing international professionals to one of the fastest growing automotive manufacturing sectors worldwide. Organized jointly with the Board of Industry for Industrial Linkage Development BUILD and Bureau of Supporting Industries BSID, local suppliers and makers will have opportunities to meet top global buyers to exchange notes, ideas and build new contacts.

Global automotive industry, showing support for the trade fair, is ready to do business in S.E. Asia

SERNAUTO, the Spanish Automotive Equipment and Components Manufacturers Association, will be on-hand at the next year's event, serving as a networking point between S.E. Asian suppliers and makers and their Spanish counterparts. Founded in 1967, SERNAUTO will be exhibiting at the fair the first time. "Traditionally, we have not built many business relations in S.E. Asia; but this event sets the perfect stage for us to cast players from the two regions to exchange ideas and invest in trade," said Foreign Trade Department Officer for SERNAUTO, Mr. David Antolin.

Reinforcing the growing importance of Automechanika Thailand, visitors and exhibitors alike will have the opportunity to witness several product launches at this year's event. KYB Asia, previously known as Kayaba, Managing Director, Mr. Shinichi Hayashi announced, that the company had recently appointed Siam Motor Parts as the sole distributor for KYB, a globally-well-known hydraulics manufacturer who makes the KYB line of automotive shock absorbers.

Automechanika Thailand is one member of a worldwide family of 12 automotive industry events. For more information, please visit www.automechanika.messefrankfurt.com or email autoasia@hongkong.messefrankfurt.com

Feel free to contact the parties below for more show information and photographs:

Ms Amra Durakovic / Angel Ho

Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd.

Tel (852) 2238 9972 / 2238 9924

Fax (852) 2519 8632

