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ADL product range includes House Aids, Kitchen Aids, Dressing Aids, Reading & Writing Aids, Bath Aids, Exercise Aids, Support and Mobility ━ That offer independence, personal comfort and safety in the home. With years experience we export to more than 30 countries. If you are a dealer and would like to be set up to order our products, please do not hesitate to contact us.


按摩器, 轮椅, 轮椅周边配备, 塑胶餐、厨具, 浴室用品, 身心障碍与高龄者居家生活辅具, 金属餐具、塑胶餐具, 其它


生产模式: ODM 设计加工, OBM 自有品牌
公司名称: 长阳国际有限公司
