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We specializing in metalworking and specializing in metalworking, Metalworker Co., Ltd. is an OEM/ODM of metallic parts and handles parts assembly as well. With experienced, skilled technicians who expertly, precision produce metallic parts with integrated facilities, as well as process special materials, we guarantee to supply quality products.

We also develop new items to-order. Talk to us about turning ideas into marketable products by sending 3D models, PDFs or samples. Trust us to offer complete in-house services as well as high-precision, competitively-priced products.



代工, 金属加工, 特殊金属加工


外销市场: 全球
公司类型: 制造商, 出口商
公司名称: 辰兴精密有限公司
联络人: 陈小姐
