Page 28 - TTG-Taiwan Transportation Equipment Guide 2023-04 Edition
P. 28

       Industry News

               The global market for EVs has been experiencing its rapid growth over the past five decades.

              EVs to Continue Pumping Momentum ue Pumping Momentum
              EVs to Contin

              into Auto Parts Industry Amid Global uto Parts Industry Amid Global
              into A
              Economic Slowdownwdown
              Economic Slo

              By Steve Chuang

                 After robust growth in the past few years, the   China and India will continue to serve as major
              global automotive and auto parts industries will   growth locomotives, with the former, where
              likely be fretted by a slowdown, for various reasons,   nationwide unemployement is torturing the Chinese
              this year, when the International Monetary Fund   government for the time being though, forecast to
              (IMF) has just reported gloomy economic forecasts   enjoy an enviable growth rebound of 5.3 percent
              for 2023. However, the energetic development of   from 4.3 percent.
              electric vehicles (EVs) is expected to help keep
              insiders afl oat.                                 EVs to Lead Industry’s Growth

              Mixed Outlooks                                       In the face of a mixed economic climate, most
                                                                professionals from the automotive and auto parts
                 IMF’s latest report indicates that advanced    industries are less optimistic about their 2023
              countries are predicted to suffer from downturn   performance compared to the past few years.
              while developing economies are likely to recover   Nevertheless, a ray of hope remains at the end of
              from rock bottom. The mixed results, to which the   the tunnel, as the development of EVs continues to
              latter’s move to lift COVID-19 requirements later   be on a promising track.
              than the former is attributable, are anticipated to
              lead to a global economic growth slowdown to 2.9     According to the latest report from Automotive
              percent compared to 3.4 percent in 2022.          Research & Testing Center (ARTC), a Taiwan-
                                                                based automotive industry research institute, global
                 According to the report, advanced economies    EVs sales are estimated at 71.1 million units in
              are likely to experience a combined growth drop   the first nine months of 2022, and to exceed 10
              from 2.7 percent in 2022 to only 1.2 percent this   million units as of the end of the year, a whopping
              year, with the U.S., the U.K., Euro area and Japan   growth compared to only 1 million units in 2017.
              to report shrinking GDP growth of 1.4, minus 0.6, 0.7   Noteworthy is that the share of EVs in the whole
              and 1.4 percent, respectively.                    automotive market has also surged more sharply
                                                                than expected to 12.8 percent from only 1.3 percent
                 In comparison, emerging markets and            seen in 2017.
              developing  economies  are  expected  to  finish
              this year with a combined growth of 4.0 percent      By sale volume till the end of last September,
              from 3.9 percent tallied in 2022. Among them,     China remains the largest single regional market
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