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Project Systems Furniture Co.,Ltd. is a designer/manufacturer of high-end furniture for residential,contract and institutional applications.It is rare to have a successful manufacturing company that was founded and ran by the same designer.This leadership guarantees that the beauty of the furniture will never be compromised; Project Systems Furniture Co.,Ltd. is truly a design driven firm.
From the early prototypes and the one offs produced for celebrity clientele to the robotically IO meeting table, Project System Furniture Co.,Ltd. has been producing innovative furniture for the past 15 years.Through new designs, manufacturing resources and cross marketing,the company's growth is endless that the sky is the limit.
The goal of the company is for every piece to reflect the artistic and craftsmanship values on which the company was founded."The furniture has to be beautiful,it has to be provocative, and it has to be meaningful."Alex Lee says,"To achieve this we are continually adding new material,new processes and technologies."This knowledge of materials,manufacturing capabilities and resources is refined with the development of each piece,from the early items to the latest collections.
This furniture is conceived to please your eyes and suit your needs.Our mission is to produce quality furniture widely available to designers,architects and their clients.


餐桌椅, 置物架/展示架, 各式鋁架, 書桌, 檔案櫃, 隔屏, 屏風, 沙發, 非皮製沙發, 金屬床, 辦公桌, 系統家具

公司名稱: 普羅集股份有限公司
