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We are Group Company which have our own Filter factory in China & export since 1993 to over hundreds of countries in the world. In our Auto Parts Trading section, we own one team of professional and long experience engineer whom will secure you getting high quality Auto Parts with competitive price. In section A Division, we export high quality O.E & ISO16949 certificate factory from Asia Country as China, Taiwan & Japan. In section B Division, export 100% genuine parts (Japanese, Korean & European vehicle & truck) & also Japan original bearing & oil seal.


傳動系統 轉向系統 懸掛系統 索線 車身系統 輪胎及配件 車燈系統 車鏡 機動車引擎及零件, 千斤頂, 煞車系統, 輪圈, 引擎零件 泵 排氣系統 冷卻系統空調系統 引擎電系及車身電系

公司名稱: 富士通汽車零件有限公司
