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On January 1991, A-Madeus Textile Ltd. was established in Taiwan. Nylon satin ribbon was
one of our major products then, by a great chance we extended our collection into decorative
ribbon in 1993 summer, working for and co-operating with some wonderful customers in Europe ,
Great British and New York since 1996 which leaded us to a new version of ribbon.
In the winter of 2002, we started our another base in China to include more hand-made deco. Ribbon, garland, pre-tie bow, trimming & plenty of decorative stuff. Lucky us, we have a lot of good workers in China that our quality is satisfactory.


色帶, 歐根紗, 薄紗/網, 羅緞, 綢緞/塔夫調, 黃麻, 麻布, 綿, 蕾絲, 天鵝絨, 亮珠, 亮片, 電線, 花環, 印綬, 裝飾, 彩帶, 拉花, 領帶, 蝴蝶結

公司名稱: 捷園企業有限公司
