An experienced manufacturer working with quality-conscious subcontractors in Taiwan and China, we offer wide-ranging, high-quality houseware, indoor/outdoor furniture, pet care products, garden/home ornaments, metallic wire products and solar-powered/LED lighting products at competitive prices. Backed by a strong team and long-term relationship with subcontractors, we welcome either volume orders, made-to-order and innovative projects. Contact us for further info.
微波煎蛋捲烹飪器材餐具, 微波烹飪器材用具, 微波烤肉盤, 微波煮蛋用的鍋子/蒸鍋, 微波套盤, 存貯收納盒子/箱子, 芯片機架, 五套式收納組, LED燈具附遙控器, 餐具/碗盤碟子, 肥皂盒/盤/架, 充電底座/支架, LED 樓梯燈/梯子燈, 自行車照明LED燈, 衣物收納真空袋子, 餐具存貯收納盒子/箱子, 三套式系統分類組織的收納袋子, 車用垂懸掛式系統分類組織的收納袋子, 紙巾架, 髒衣箱/袋, 麵包盒/架, 衣服收納箱/櫃, 歐式剪影童話院子擺飾品, 聖誕燈, 學生桌椅組, 玄關桌及桌面擺放式鏡, 歐式創意時尚酒具/酒架/鐵藝復古紅酒架/葡萄酒瓶架子, 隱藏門收納櫃, 浴室收納櫃, 孩童玩具收納架玩具分類架, 孩童益智教育玩具收納箱, 孩童家具
員工數: | 10 | |
公司成立年: | 1989 | |
外銷市場: | 全球, 中東, 歐洲, 非洲, 亞洲, 北美, 中南美, 澳洲/紐西蘭 | |
品牌: | Good for You | |
資本額 (美金): | NT$ 5 million | |
公司類型: | 製造商, 出口商 | |
優勢利基: | --Quality products w/competitive prices delivered on-time --Made-to-order items and outstanding services |
公司名稱: |
地址: | 100065 台北市長沙街2段146號13樓之2 |
電話: | 886-2-2301-9276 |
傳真: | 886-2-2301-9276 |
E-Mail: |
網址: | |