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Doplas Enterprise Co., founded in 1995, is one of Taiwan’s leading manufacturers of various kinds of plastic extruders, operating a plant in Tainan County, southern Taiwan with a land area of 19,800 square feet.
At present, the company’s major product lines include plastic-waste recycling machines, high-speed blown film making machines, LDPE/PE/ABS sheet-making machines, two-stage venting recycling machines, strapping tape making machines. The company is capable of rolling out 50 to 60 machines per year.
The company says its machinery products feature high productivity, laborsaving, long durability, and easy operation, and are sold under its own brand of ”DOPLAS”
At present, more than 90% of the firm’s total output is exported, mainly to Latin America, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia.


押出機, 吹袋機, 廢料回收機, 製粒機, 廢袋回收機.


员工数: 6
公司成立年: 1995
生产模式: OBM 自有品牌
外销比例: 95%
外销市场: 中东, 欧洲, 非洲, 亚洲, 中南美
公司类型: 制造商, 出口商
优势利基: 自有设计,创新能力
公司名称: 都晟实业有限公司
公司連絡人: 程国安 (总经理)
