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In 1992, established Salida Industry Co.,Ltd . It produced the woodworking machinery and hollow chisel machine to build up. Accordance to the market demand developed the drill hole (multi hole boring and line boring machine) and door, panel polishing, other sanding machine and other OEM products.

Salida Industry Co.,Ltd got the UL®, CSA® and TÜV CE authentication certificate. Salida innovated their own brand to sell the European and American market and other advanced technological countries in all over the world. Except them applied patent for the United States, Taiwan , China and other outside European country. Otherwise Salida unifies the overseas technological development more suitable for market demand the product and the ideal price. The friendly management , provide customer with high quality and high-precision product , also customer faith is the strength which Salida continuous forever


鑽孔機, 刨花機, 砂光機, 木工機械及設備, 作榫機, 研磨機, 振動研磨及拋光機, 砂布輪及布輪拋光機, 砂輪, 砂布, 機械加工/代工服務, 自動寬帶平面砂光機, 曲面砂光機, 去毛邊砂光機, 金屬砂光機, 旋轉式砂光機, 砂布絲砂光機, 不規則表面砂光, 表面砂光機, 線條砂光機, 底漆砂光, 金屬表面砂光機

公司名称: 山立工业股份有限公司
