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Inagurated in 1975, our founder set a precedent in the customized precision stamping industry with a slogan that later became the standard motto for many companies accross the industry- "Pursuit For Perfection". Three decades later, this tradition and heritage remain unchanged. Today, this organization is headed by a group of young, dedicated, and driven professionals who understand the importance of making a connection between values and customer care.

As a team, we have unanimously agreed to shared a vision to place our customer's long term business perspective over the short term profit gain. We firmly believe that such match-making process produces the longest lasting and most mutually beneficial relationships.

Our satisfied customers and consistent growth testify to this set of seemingly unorthodox philosophy.


裝飾燈, 賽車零配件, 車身零件, 前後護柵, 墊片, 車身防撞條, 其他外裝配件, 排擋桿, 擾流板

公司名称: 宏裕汽车有限公司
