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Foyers, Halls and Stairways Area
Select the decorative fixture to match the space. The foyers and halls require larger and
attractive-looking fixtures. Stairways and halls must have good general lighting for safety.
Choose matching close-to-ceiling fixtures for hallways and smaller chain-hung fixtures for stairways.

Living Area
Close-to-ceiling or decorative fluorescent fixtures can provide bland and ample lighting.
While helping to create and sweet illusion

Dining Area
A chandelier or pendant can be a general lighting element, as well as a focal point of the
home., plus wall fixture, can create a happy dining atmosphere. A chandelier should be
6" to 12" smaller than the narrowest side of the table. The bottom of a pendant or
chandelier should be approximately 30" above a table.
Kitchen Area
Decorative kitchen fixtures mounted in the center of a workspace is a common choice.

Bath Area
Bath vanity fixtures can be a general lighting element. Companion close-to-ceiling fixtures
help to supplement bath wall brackets in larger bathrooms.
Outdoor Area
Select a design and size to complement your house while providing sufficient lighting for
safety. When installing a wall lantern, size the fixture to the door and surrounding space.
Wall lanterns should be mounted slightly above eye level 60° to 66° from the center of
the fixture to the floor. Post top lanterns are an excellent way to light a walkway, while
complimenting wall lanterns. Large post top lanterns make a better impression when
used in large open spaces


Pendant Lights, Chandeliers, Outdoor Lights, Wall Lamps, Desk Lamps

公司名称: 佛山市南海喜来灯饰电器有限公司
