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"De-xuan" - the well-known brand furniture industry
De Hsuan furniture is Located in Shunde of China with a collection of production, supply, and marketing for the integration of large furniture manufacturing enterprises It have a dvanced equipment, skilled workers and strong technical, sophisticated products, improve the quality and reliability of service is the development of Germany' s fundamental Menuhin. More than 30,000 square meters of the plant, and more than 500 employees for their hard work in the world with over 140 stores a reliable guarantee.
The last years , the company has launched a comprehensive upgrading of the internal management of enterprises in various functional departments and workshop to establish a complete system of management, marketing management, marketing,product development, cost control and corporate image, building corporate culture have been comprehensively upgrading and reached a certain altitude. Factories really get out of a set of self-transformation, improve the comprehensive, high-speed upgrade of the fixed path of development.

Germany' s Menuhin furniture brands: Company newly created "New Zealand leather" and the solid wood structure of the organic combination of "Maverick" brand, the western United States is a cowboy style of products, exotic, unique style, comfortable life; "Maverick" stores unified image and brand reputation of renowned domestic and overseas fame, has become a recognized industry experts praised the favorite and the vast majority of consumers, the brand, known as China' s furniture industry a bright, bright modern wonderful work; "ulnar Road" thick casual furniture brands, a European flavor, atmosphere, distinguished, elegant, always king of the gas, and carefully carving style of the original, the anticipation that the show faction magnificent sight, a symbol of wealth and status, won the love of all successful people.
Germany Menuhin purpose: to innovation and development to the quality of survival and reputation services market.


Leather Sofa

Company: DEXUAN

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