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These are in-depth pre- and post-show reports on major international trade fairs, held in Taiwan and other countries with significant participation by Taiwanese manufacturers and exporters. They are offered to help global buyers and other readers better understand what is going on at the fairs and the latest offerings by Taiwanese exhibitors.

China Steel Corporation in Hope of Supporting Taiwan's Downstreamed Industries</h2>

China Steel Corporation in Hope of Supporting Taiwan's Downstreamed Industries

Apr 06, 2020

In response to the impact of the epidemic on steel downstream and industrial supply chains, China Steel Corporation (CPC) announced the integration of business and technical resources and the establishment of an "Industrial Care Group" to actively care for downstream customers, understand their needs, and provide comprehensive customized support and service. Sinosteel stated that the was sprea...

Fasteners Plants Striving for Exports in Q3</h2>

Fasteners Plants Striving for Exports in Q3

Apr 06, 2020

The epidemic of the new novel pneumonia is very popular. The export of screws is facing the dilemma of blocking transportation and circulation. The main factories Chunyu and Juheng face the test and respond actively. The legal person estimates that the next season should be the key point to meet the upturn. According to analysis, the global epidemic has entered a peak period, and the internati...

汽車業復產 各地政策刺激消費</h2>

汽車業復產 各地政策刺激消費

Apr 01, 2020

中國工業和信息化部副部長辛國斌30日表示,會有更多刺激汽車消費政策出台,新能源汽車政策近期也會協調相關部門做出調整,以支持汽車產業健康發展。 中新社報導,辛國斌在30日舉行的國務院聯防聯控機制新聞發布會上表示,自2月19日到現在,汽車行業企業整體開工率已由60%左右提升到97%,員工復崗率由50%左右提高到82%,總體達產率已經與去年同期水平相當。 工信部重點聯繫的15家汽車企業的供應商涉及到26個省市1300多家企業。經過工信系統協調,截至目前,上述所有供應鏈企業已經全部復工復產。15家企業當中,10家是內資企業,5家是跨國公司企業。 湖北省是中國重要汽車製造業基地。針對大眾、寶馬以及廣汽、重汽等國內外整車企業提出將湖北省供應商的庫存零部件盡快運出保障生產供應問題,工信系統幫助企業辦理了運輸通行證,救了整車企業的燃眉之急。 辛國斌表示,汽車行業目前仍然面臨很大的困難和...

Taiwanese Dollar Slightly Depreciates 0.49% in Q1</h2>

Taiwanese Dollar Slightly Depreciates 0.49% in Q1

Apr 01, 2020

The new epidemic has intensified the global financial market turmoil, the risk aversion has heated up rapidly, and the international dollar trend is unique; Central Bank data show that in the first quarter of this year, except for the Japanese yen, the major Asian currencies trended across the board. The single quarter depreciation of more than 5% is the most amazing. Compared with the star and S...

Machinery Association Expands Subsidiaries Due to Economic Slump</h2>

Machinery Association Expands Subsidiaries Due to Economic Slump

Apr 01, 2020

The chairman of the Taiwan Machinery Association, was stunned by the layoffs of the high-end machine tool manufacturing company Baide Machinery. He said that the new crown epidemic affected the whole world and suggested that the government should further expand the power of subsidizing the industry, or the injuries suffered by the industry will take more effort to recover. However, Kobahi also...

Qualcomm Aims for 5G</h2>

Qualcomm Aims for 5G

Mar 31, 2020

Frank Meng, chairman of China ’s mobile phone chip giant Qualcomm, said that Qualcomm will further deepen its cooperation with the Chinese industry, not only in the field of smart terminals, but also in related fields such as industrial Internet, smart transportation, and smart cities. Frank Meng said that despite the global crowning of the new crown epidemic, Qualcomm is full of confidence in...

Taiwan's Machinery Industry Sees a Exponential Growth this Year</h2>

Taiwan's Machinery Industry Sees a Exponential Growth this Year

Mar 30, 2020

Affected by the coronavirus epidemic, the "Taipei International Smart Machinery and Smart Manufacturing Exhibition", hosted by Taiwan External Trade Development Council and the Taiwan Machinery Association, have been postponed to September 9, and will be held in conjunction with the "Taipei International Plastics and Rubber Industry Exhibition" and "Taipei International Shoemaking Machinery Exhib...

Furniture Industry Was Hit Hard by Coronavirus</h2>

Furniture Industry Was Hit Hard by Coronavirus

Mar 30, 2020

Due to the spread of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in the United States, many retail industries adjusted their business hours and even closed for two weeks before opening. The furniture factories listed in Taiwan such as Shengsheng, Jisheng, Shangyi, and Kestar were affected. The industry pointed out that this wave of epidemic will cause the furniture industry to freeze operations, in addition...

Taiwan's Economy Stable in February</h2>

Taiwan's Economy Stable in February

Mar 30, 2020

The National Development Council (NDC) uses a five-color system to gauge the country's economic performance, with blue indicating economic recession, yellow-blue representing sluggishness, green signifying stable growth, yellow-red referring to a warming economy and red pointing to overheating. Out of the nine factors in the composite index for February, the sub-indexes on money supply and sal...

 Panel Plant Delays Expansion in China</h2>

Panel Plant Delays Expansion in China

Mar 30, 2020

Affected by the epidemic, the resumption of work and staff arrival rates, and the disruption in the distribution of production equipment caused by the disruption of global logistics and personnel movements, the global LCD panel leaders BOE, Tianma and other mainland indicator factories have recently postponed their installation expansion plans. , The time ranges from one quarter to six months. Th...