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These are in-depth pre- and post-show reports on major international trade fairs, held in Taiwan and other countries with significant participation by Taiwanese manufacturers and exporters. They are offered to help global buyers and other readers better understand what is going on at the fairs and the latest offerings by Taiwanese exhibitors.

Affected by the new pneumonia epidemic, business in the well-known Night Market in Kaohsiung City declined by more than 80%.

IMF adjusts Taiwan's economic growth down to minus 4% in 2020

Apr 15, 2020

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has lowered its projection for Taiwan's economic growth in 2020 to minus 4.0 percent from 2.0 percent because of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, according to its latest World Economic Outlook report. In the report released Tuesday, the Washington, D.C.-headquartered organization presented the adjustment from the projection it made in its previous report...

Sales of Global Electric Vehicle May Decline by 43%</h2>

Sales of Global Electric Vehicle May Decline by 43%

Apr 13, 2020

Energy consultant Wood Mackenzie estimates that global electric vehicle sales this year are expected to decline 43% from last year to 1.3 million units, mainly due to the impact of the new crown epidemic, demand for low fuel prices, delayed purchase of fleets, and worried consumers Hold a wait-and-see attitude first, and postpone the purchase decision. Wood Mackenzie's research report pointed ou...

Exports Fell Slightly by 0.6% in March</h2>

Exports Fell Slightly by 0.6% in March

Apr 09, 2020

The Ministry of Political Affairs announced yesterday (8) that exports in March reached US $ 28.27 billion. Although it turned from red to black, the annual decrease was 0.6%, which was still slightly better than expected. According to the analysis of the Ministry of Finance, although the new coronary pneumonia epidemic has engulfed the whole world, the purchase of integrated circuits has not fal...

Taiwan's Electric Cars Debut in Lukang</h2>

Taiwan's Electric Cars Debut in Lukang

Apr 08, 2020

In the global trend of smart driving, the vehicle research and testing center (Vehicle Center) and Qinwei International took the lead in applying for the "Unmanned Vehicle Technology Innovation Experiment Program" of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Please receive the first test of the self-driving sandbox operation regulations The license plate has been officially launched on March 20, 2020 (20...

Global Automakers May Lose Hundreds of Billions</h2>

Global Automakers May Lose Hundreds of Billions

Apr 07, 2020

In order to protect employees and respond to the decline in demand, major car manufacturers in Europe and the United States have closed their factories since last month. Analysts said that if these factories continue to close until the end of April, revenue losses are expected to exceed $ 100 billion. Henry, the head of the research group AutoAnalysis, said that if major automakers continue to...

汽車業復產 各地政策刺激消費</h2>

汽車業復產 各地政策刺激消費

Apr 01, 2020

中國工業和信息化部副部長辛國斌30日表示,會有更多刺激汽車消費政策出台,新能源汽車政策近期也會協調相關部門做出調整,以支持汽車產業健康發展。 中新社報導,辛國斌在30日舉行的國務院聯防聯控機制新聞發布會上表示,自2月19日到現在,汽車行業企業整體開工率已由60%左右提升到97%,員工復崗率由50%左右提高到82%,總體達產率已經與去年同期水平相當。 工信部重點聯繫的15家汽車企業的供應商涉及到26個省市1300多家企業。經過工信系統協調,截至目前,上述所有供應鏈企業已經全部復工復產。15家企業當中,10家是內資企業,5家是跨國公司企業。 湖北省是中國重要汽車製造業基地。針對大眾、寶馬以及廣汽、重汽等國內外整車企業提出將湖北省供應商的庫存零部件盡快運出保障生產供應問題,工信系統幫助企業辦理了運輸通行證,救了整車企業的燃眉之急。 辛國斌表示,汽車行業目前仍然面臨很大的困難和...

Taiwan's Economy Stable in February</h2>

Taiwan's Economy Stable in February

Mar 30, 2020

The National Development Council (NDC) uses a five-color system to gauge the country's economic performance, with blue indicating economic recession, yellow-blue representing sluggishness, green signifying stable growth, yellow-red referring to a warming economy and red pointing to overheating. Out of the nine factors in the composite index for February, the sub-indexes on money supply and sal...

CHC ‘s forging machine for steel forgings, copper forgings and aluminum forgings (Photo courtesy of CHC)

Chung Ho Cheng (CHC) Enterprise Co., Ltd

Mar 26, 2020

CHC: Specialist of Finest Steel, Aluminum and Copper Forging Establishing in 1998, Chung Ho Cheng (CHC) Enterprise Co., Ltd. is equipped with the experience to develop professional tooling capabilities. As a hot, warm and combination forging factory, CHC offers wide-ranging services like heat treatment and surface treatment, all the while rolling out IATF16949-qualified products. The manufactu...

Taiwanese Manufacturers Gear up in Autonomous Vehicle Industry </h2>

Taiwanese Manufacturers Gear up in Autonomous Vehicle Industry

Mar 26, 2020

In response to a shrinking auto market and negative growth, over the last few years, traditional automakers such as G.M., Daimler, BMW, and Volkswagen have started seeking a new way out. For instance, they sought out to develop vehicle electrification, and more investment in the development of electric cars and self-driving cars. Among them, self-driving cars have been regarded as the saviors of ...

LC Fuel Tank System Enters Classic Car Market</h2>

LC Fuel Tank System Enters Classic Car Market

Mar 26, 2020

With quality oil supply system products and great after-service, LC Fuel Tank is known for its own brand “LC” worldwide and its products have not only gained great popularity among international aftermarkets, but also have become the first choice for antique cars and modified cars. LC Fuel Tank has an entire whole manufacturing line, ranging from the purchase of raw materials, tank molding, trimm...