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We are 25 years YOUNG experienced Compay in the industry, one of leading exporter and the choice for the professional Tools from Taiwan.

We provide full range of tools, primarily for use in an Automotive Industry for car repairs and professional replacement market place.Our company policy is to care quality and concern customer demands. From sourcing tools, graphics, packaging, logistics and shipping, we provide superior and perfect service.

Innovation is our key for success.

We adapt very fast to supply new products and developments. Furthermore,we can produce customized OEM / OFM tools for automotive, engineering and DIY sectors.


汽车维修工具, 气动工具, 套筒扳手组/套筒, 套筒连接杆, 扭力扳手, 摩托车维修工具, 冲击套筒, 棘轮起子

公司名称: 侨大勤业有限公司
