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From the journey of bOMDIC team has been explored, the team devote themselves to one question ━ how might we
help people to understand and manage their stamina (endurance). Stamina is a secret number and never been quantized in the past thousand year even it's now the age of 21st century. Founded in 2010, bOMDIC Inc. uses medical-grade heart rate monitoring technology as well as exercise physiology to study the topic of Stamina, and the whole team has been passionate about transforming the medical grade data into information that can improve fitness life. Via a 64,000 data points/second real time analysis, GoMore sensor (the world’s 1st stamina sensor) helps user understand their fitness when doing exercise. To enhance the readability, a mobile app could advance user’s experience to monitor and consume stamina in an appropriate pace.


运动用体力心率计, 蓝芽心跳带, 人体生理讯号, 心跳值, 心电图和乳酸值


生产模式: ODM 设计加工, OBM 自有品牌
公司名称: 博晶医电股份有限公司
