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The properties of eFoam is stable toward hydrolysis and aging with water-proof, insulation of heat and acoustic, shock absorption, light weight and etc.
eFoam can be applied in the following fields:
1. Automobile and variety of forming industry: Waterproof, heat and sound insulation, heat durable, leave new cars odorless containing no chemical smell.
2. Green construction and heat insulation: With features of low water absorption, effective heat insulation, sound insulation, energy saving, weather and temperature durability, UV and chemical durability, light-weight, shock-absorption and cushion.
3. Sports cushion: Toxic-free, no emission of carbon vapor, non-vulcanization, odorless, anti-sliding and soft touch.
4. Floor mat: eFoam contains no methyl benzene or toxic substance emission or use of any toxic additive. It can be used as home flooring and children activity space.
5. Gasket and cap seal: It can be used as food gasket, cosmetic gasket, bottle cap seal, furniture shock reduce filler.
6. Sports protection, knapsacks and leather products, toy puzzles and other general demands.
7. Marine application: eFoam possesses excellent buoyancy and tenacity, and can be used as body surface and lower layer material, surfboard
8. Floor underlay: DIY installation or lamination and cutting converting.
9. Self adhesive tapes: construction double sided foam tape, automobile tapes, automobile tapes, self-adhesive hook, medical tapes
10. Footwear: All types of sports footwear insoles, snow boots inner cushion, all types of die cut active shoe insoles.


PP, PE, Non-toxic Raw Material, Electron-beam, Plastic Raw Material, eFoam, Polypropylene, Polyethylene, Foam


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