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Smart Manufacturing for Sustainable Success

2024/03/05 | By Andrew Hsu

Amidst the gradual economic recovery, industries worldwide have weathered the storm by embracing smart manufacturing, digital transformation, and AI. These advancements have not only ensured survival but have also underscored the profound impact of cutting-edge technologies on global development.

In an interview with Economic Daily News, Tsai Ya-Hui, Deputy Section Chief of the Mechanical and Mechatronics Systems Lab at the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), highlighted that the most challenging aspect of enterprise transformation lies in the integration of new technologies. Given the global market`s impact, few companies can undertake this transformation independently. ITRI plays a crucial role by engaging with enterprises early in the transformation journey and providing assistance in adopting new technologies. This collaborative approach enables Taiwanese enterprises to prioritize intelligent manufacturing and digital transformation effectively.

Tsai emphasized the numerous benefits of investing in transformation, particularly evident during the pandemic. With some enterprises grappling with manpower shortages and production lines operating below capacity, Taiwanese manufacturers have sought automation technology, digital twin, and other technologies to address these challenges. Some have even turned to analytical software and cloud services to alleviate manufacturing pressures. However, Tsai cautioned that while these solutions may offer temporary relief, they do not address the root cause of the problem.

Tsai pointed out that while temporary solutions may ensure smooth manufacturing processes in the short term, they are not sustainable in the long run. This is because they rely heavily on the expertise of experienced workers, particularly in crucial areas like machine adjustment, which requires specialized skills that not everyone possesses. Over time, as experienced professionals retire or leave the workforce, this valuable knowledge is at risk of being lost.

In Tsai`s view, the key solution lies in embracing smart manufacturing practices. By prioritizing early digital transformation and adopting smart production methods, enterprises can mitigate the risk of losing skilled workers, preserve essential manufacturing knowledge, and ultimately reduce labor costs while enhancing overall production efficiency. This approach also ensures that businesses remain competitive as digital technologies continue to advance.