Hand Tools, Hardware, Auto Tools, Garden Tools, and Customized Semi-Finished Parts Expert: Skilltek Industries Inc.
2024/01/05 | By CENS | SKILLTEK INDUSTRIES INC.Established in 1978, Skilltek Industries Inc. has devoted four decades to showcasing the utmost craftsmanship from Taiwan. Initially specializing in hand tools, Skilltek progressively broadened its product range to include hardware, auto tools, and garden tools. Through proactive service and industry expertise, Skilltek has forged partnerships with renowned global companies. The company’s recent expansion encompasses highly customized aluminum die-casting and CNC parts, reflecting a commitment to provide comprehensive services, catering not only to finished products but also to semi-finished ones, ensuring a more well-rounded support for its customers.
Skilltek has 40 years of experience in hand tools, hardware, auto tools, and garden tools manufacturing and exporting, making it able to recommend the most suitable product portfolio based on its customer's needs and positioning. Skilltek has built up a trustworthy image and outstanding reputation in the industry as a result.
Skilltek is your perfect long-term business partner thanks to its bountiful OEM/ODM experience. In addition to offering flexible service, continuous investment in R&D and mold development is Skilltek's key to meeting various market demands.
For the customer whose range is massive and cross-categories, Skilltek's ONE-STOP-SHOP service can provide shipment consolidation and shipping management and help Increase clients' sourcing efficiency and maximize profit gains.
13F, No. 398, Keelung Rd., Sec. 1, Taipei City, Taiwan
Tel: 886-2-8786-7555
Fax: 886-2-8786-4977
E-mail: skilltek@skilltek.com.tw
Website: skilltek.en.taiwantrade.com