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Trunk Lighting Technology Co., Ltd.--LED lighting

Trunk Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in LED lighting, including light bulbs, recessed lights, bay lights, batten lights, MR16s, ceiling lights, T8 light tubes, and luminaries. The company's line of light bulbs is made up mainly of 3W, 6W, 9W, 10W, and 12W lamps meant to replace incandes... 详全文

Trunk Lighting Technology Co., Ltd.--LED lighting

Trunk Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in LED lighting, including light bulbs, recessed lights, bay lights, batten lights, MR16s, ceiling lights, T8 light tubes, and luminaries. The company's line of light bulbs is made up mainly of 3W, 6W, 9W, 10W, and 12W lamps meant to replace incand... 详全文

公司名称: 壮格照明科技有限公司
