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Win Joy represents over 9 years of premium quality trading, providing the world's finest lighting industrial solution. Our company specializes in selling variety lights & components all over the world. The major products we produced are stated as follows:
‧Solar-Power LED Lights
‧Table Lamps
‧Floor Lamps
‧Electrical Accessories
‧Chandelier Crystals

Our manufacturing service is staffed by highly qualified employees with many years of experience producing lights. We can assist your company to develop your lighting parts, metal hardware from conception to production. We can also provide thousand of existing solar-power LED lights, table and floor lamps, that go directly to your marketplaces.

If you are searching for a supplier to provide your company with anything from basic lighting components to high quality lights, then look no further! We, at Win Joy, have the total solutions and experiences to solve your needs.


水晶吊燈, 梨形, 八角珠, 尖珠, 楓葉, 寶塔珠, 網形, 拉絲, 網格, 水晶, 水晶球, 燈飾水晶, 燈飾零件, 滴淚管, led燈, 太陽能花園燈, 桌燈, 立燈, LED太陽能花園燈, 庭園燈, 造型燈, 台燈, 檯燈, 落地燈


員工數: 10
公司成立年: 2001
年營收 (美金): NT$15 million
外銷市場: 全球
品牌: Win Joy
資本額 (美金): NT$5,5 million
公司類型: 製造商, 出口商
優勢利基: Improving the reliability of lighting accessories requires not only better products, but an intimate knowledge of manufacturing process with providing total solutions. Win Joy is a company of experienced for trading and manufacturing lighting accessories.
公司名稱: 經辰國際有限公司
