Company Profile
Company Profile
  • Year Established
  • Number of Total Employees
  • Brand Name
  • Export Percentage
  • 1986
  • 30
  • 90%
About us

We, PARA MILL, produce NC double sided milling machine and milling head unit to provide the better solution for the user which is mainly focused on the heavy duty milling industries.The NC double sided milling machines are been widely applied to plastic and steel molds manufacturer. This kind of milling machine can capable with the cutting capacity of 75mm x 75mm to 1000mm x 1000mm with “one set-up for four sides” machining. It features with heavy duty milling spindle, special one piece machine base with high grade cast iron and user friendly H.M.I. controller.On the other hand, the milling head unit is also the important product for PARA MILL, it is consists of right and left hand side milling head, both of them could be assembled to do vertical milling, horizontal milling and transverse milling machine. The milling head is contained with the high precision, low noise and vibration free characteristics.

NC Double sided milling machine for square or rectangular block machining.

Heavy duty milling head unit

Production mode
  • ODM
  • OBM
Business Type
  • Manufacturer
Export Market
  • Global
  • Asia (Except China)
  • Mainland China
Competitive Advantages

Heavy duty milling head.

Special one piece machine base with high grade cast iron.

User friendly H.M.I. controller.

One-setup for four sides milling machine.