

偉聖國際1988年成立,投入照明產業超過35年,產品行銷全球近70國,打響Alit品牌名聲,實現「照亮地球每個國家」的願景。董事長陳金錫希望將好產品分享國人,近10年以「虹瑞斯」品牌拓展內銷,並獲得不錯的成績。 偉聖1992年西進中國,工廠位於中山及寧波,生產的室內外照明燈具涵蓋閱讀燈、情境氛圍燈、庭園燈及多種室內外壁燈等,除了賣進亞馬遜,並透過經銷商及搭配線上交易,營運傲視業界。目前自有品牌貢獻15%營收,並為國際大廠OEM及ODM代工。 即使製造及技術研發能力俱足,偉聖仍持續投資,提升自動化程度、減少人力。與義大利設計公司合作,加速創新與接軌國際,受到客戶肯定。高質感簡約設計的... (全文閱讀)

The international top-class panel of 91 experts has selected Home Resource to take part in the final round of the iF DESIGN AWARD 2021 for the design of the Halo Wireless charging pad with bedside lamp. As a result, Home Resource has successfully made the cut in one of the most important design comp... (全文閱讀)

偉聖國際(虹瑞斯)榮獲全球知名的設計競賽-2021年德國iF產品設計獎,得獎產品Halo Wireless Charging Pad(Halo無線充電板&LED小夜燈)獲得了專業產品設計項目評審團的肯定。德國歷史最悠久的獨立設計機構,位於漢諾威的iF國際設計論壇,每年都會舉辦iF設計獎。 Halo Wireless Charging Pad (Halo無線充電板&LED小夜燈)經由國際專家所組成的iF獨立評審會議評選過後,因強調空間利用、節能減碳、極簡生活、零浪費、綠色生活、Eco-Friendly等概念,獲得98位評審的青睞。iF設計獎評選過程的競爭十分激烈:來自全球52國的10,00... (全文閱讀)

偉聖國際有限公司於2019年香港秋燈展的名燈薈萃廊1B-A22展出,現場展出最新智能燈具與其他國際大廠同台競艷。 隨著人工智慧的發展,智能家居逐漸走進人們的生活,智能更照明系統扮演著舉足輕重的地位。 偉聖國際陳義鏱總經理表示先進的技術最終還是要以最簡單的方式讓消費者掌握,而通過語音控制照明無疑是最簡單、最方便的方式。這些技術,偉聖歷經1年的研發,通通都達到了。 企劃課陳逸修課長表示旗下智能燈具已連接主流智能管家如Alexa、Google Home,除透過APP外,目前更可以聲控開關家中,戶外燈具,若家中有賓客來訪,燈具也能轉換顏色,增添生活氣氛。 隨著現代智能科技的發展... (全文閱讀)

偉聖國際有限公司於2018年香港秋燈展的名燈薈萃廊1B-A22展出,現場佈置一系列「高健美」植物照明。 企劃課陳逸修課長說明,一般植物照明不講求外型,只著重在功能面,而此次的展品特別將造型重新設計,兼具功能性與室內裝飾效果,產品型態涵蓋了桌燈、壁燈及吊燈,更特別推出多盆的桌燈裝置。 陳逸修亦表示:「今年買主多為歐美地區,卻也不乏其他地區的買家。雖買主數比往年下修一些,但卻是主要客戶群,希望能直接對到DIY店面或是最終端客群,而因其本身採購需求,也不用擔心下單量與價格問題。」 而隨著現代人們急促步伐,成立30年的偉聖推出小巧、符合美感及功能的植物照明,頗受歡迎,設於台北的實... (全文閱讀)

With LED lighting increasingly applied in growing plants and crops indoors as a promising trend in the industry, Home Resource Industrial Co., Ltd., a major LED lighting manufacturer in Taiwan and with operations across the Taiwan Strait, brought its LED Grow Lights series to this year’s HKTDC Hong ... (全文閱讀)

Established in 1988, Home Resource Industrial Co., Ltd. is a leading LED lighting manufacturer both in Taiwan and mainland China. It makes a wide range of LED lights, including table lamps, picture lights, mood light, wall lamps, garden lamps, ceiling lamps, cabinet lights, recessed lamps, and fl... (全文閱讀)

Established in 1988, Home Resource Industrial Co., Ltd., now a leading LED lighting manufacturer both in Taiwan and mainland China, celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2013 by extending its gratitude to customers, materials suppliers, and subcontract suppliers around the world, and to its employees, ... (全文閱讀)

Founded in 1988, Home Resource Ind., Co., Ltd. is a dedicated developer and maker of lighting as a globally high-profile supplier from Taiwan. With years of efforts on upgrading production capability and capacity, Home Resource is a well-known OEM (original equipment manufacturer) and ODM (origin... (全文閱讀)

Founded in 1988 in Taipei as a lighting-fixture exporter, Home Resource Industrial Co., Ltd. has become a leading LED-lighting manufacturer in China distributing in over 60 markets globally, offering LED lighting fixture, spotlights, aluminum exterior lamps, aluminum bulkheads, streetlights, garden... (全文閱讀)

Founded in Taiwan in 1988, Home Resource Industrial Co., Ltd. has grown to become one of the most professional lighting manufacturers and exporters both in Taiwan and mainland China. The company mainly manufactures patented indoor and outdoor lighting for commercial and home uses. Home Resource i... (全文閱讀)

Founded in 1988, Home Resource Industrial Co., Ltd. has recently celebrated its 20th anniversary. As one of Taiwan's senior lighting manufacturers, the company has recorded many design achievements, including winning the Red Dot Design Award of Germany, Excellent Quality Award of Spain, and Good Des... (全文閱讀)

Founded in 1988, Home Resource Industrial Co., Ltd. has recently celebrated its 20th anniversary. As one of Taiwan's senior lighting manufacturers, the company has recorded many design achievements, including winning the Red Dot Design Award of Germany, Excellent Quality Award of Spain, and Good Des... (全文閱讀)

Since its establishment in 1988 in Taiwan's northern county of Taipei, Home Resource Ind., Co., Ltd. has been dedicated to production and development of lighting solutions for exterior and interior use. Celebrating its 20th anniversary, the company will attend Hong Kong Int'l Lighting Fair 2008 to s... (全文閱讀)

Home Resource Industrial Co., Ltd. showed its awarded "Mushroom LED Portable Lamp" family at the Frankfurt Lighting+Building 2008 show, which was held from April 6 through 11. The lamp, codenamed ETLED-18B, won the Red Dot Design Award: product design 2008. The award has been honored as Oscar Aw... (全文閱讀)

Home Resource Industrial Co., Ltd. recently won the Red Dot Design Award: product design 2008 with its patented LED Mushroom Lamp family, codenamed ETLED-18B. The award has been honored as Oscar Award for industrial designers. It is a coveted international product design prize granted by the Des... (全文閱讀)

Many Taiwanese manufacturers of outdoor-lighting equipment have begun supplying original design manufacturing-based (ODM-based) products as part of their efforts to differentiate themselves from low-end suppliers that generate income based on pure contract manufacturing. According to Sam Chen, ch... (全文閱讀)



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