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Handle Development Co., Ltd.-- Adjustable, universal, security pulls and handles, knobs, screws, bolts for machining peripherals, automated equipment, fitness and rehab equipment

Handle Development Co., Ltd. was established back in 1994, and today it continues to capably fill OEM (original equipment manufacturing) and ODM (original design manufacturing) orders for its quality industrial parts for various types of equipment. The company initially made stationery items, pre... 詳全文

Handle Development Co., Ltd.--Adjustable, universal security pulls and handles, knobs, screws, bolts for machining peripherals, automated equipment, fitness and rehab equipment

Handle Development Co., Ltd. was established back in 1994, and today it continues to capably fill OEM (original equipment manufacturing) and ODM (original design manufacturing) orders for its quality industrial parts for various types of equipment. The company initially made stationery items, premi... 詳全文

公司名稱: 佑嘉開發實業有限公司
